How A Bath Replacement Can Transform Your Bathroom

Categories : Case Studies

Replace your bath with a Kinemagic Serenity and your bathroom will instantly become lighter, brighter, and more stylish overnight.

And if you or anyone in your family has any trouble getting about, a bath replacement will make your bathroom safer and more accessible too.

An unlikely sale of a Kinedo Kinemagic Serenity walk-in shower cubicle was agreed recently when the unit was being photographed for a new brochure. Photographer Stuart Rowen was taking pictures of the new cubicle in his studio while his accounts lady, Christine Dennehy, was totting up the numbers in the adjacent office. Liking the look of the self-contained cubicle, Christine popped out to have a closer look. The timing was perfect: Christine and her husband Keith had decided to replace the bath in their main bathroom for a walk-in shower as part of an extensive bathroom upgrade. Simplicity of installation held the real appeal for Christine: "I was really impressed with how quickly the shower cubicle went up in the studio. It only took a couple of hours. I realised that in my own bathroom it would be a totally different scenario, but nonetheless we wouldn’t have to strip out the existing tiles and grout – a prospect I wasn’t relishing because of the disruption." This gave the couple the impetus to place an immediate order for a Kinemagic. Keith set about removing the bath and preparing the area for the new shower. A local installer was booked to install the Kinemagic, and within a month of first seeing the cubicle, the couple had their new integrated, walk-in cubicle to enjoy.  "This has really given us the motivation to carry on with our bathroom renovations and we subsequently placed an order for a Kinedo Horizon cubicle to replace a faulty shower in another bathroom. The cubicles not only look great, but they provide a swift solution and can be installed without the hassle of taking all the old tiles down. "I am absolutely delighted I was working at the studio that day. It spurred me on and I have two new bathrooms that I probably otherwise still wouldn’t have."

Looking to transform your bathroom? Get in touch for a free quote today.

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