Tanks But No Tanks - Kinedo Makes Life Easy for Plumbers

Categories : Case Studies , Inspirations

Before you install a bathroom, you have to ensure you've satisfied the tanking regulations.

This can be a huge headache. But with a Kinedo, you don't have to worry about tanking at all.

In the long hot summer of 2018, the British Standards Institute (BSI) released its latest codes of practice. This included a change in regulations for tiling in wet areas.

The revision states that all substrates should be waterproofed before any tiling takes place, even in domestic areas. The regulations now demand that you have a "suitable proprietary tanking membrane system" in place.

Any plumber will tell you that tiling is a horrible job. It's fiddly, immensely time consuming, and highly stressful. You know that any project that requires tiling is going to take a while, which is bad news if you work on price. And with these revised tanking regulations, already-lengthy projects are going to take even longer to complete.

And that's to say nothing of all the potential long-term effects of tiling and its accompanying grouting and silicone. Whether it's mould or leaks, to tile a bathroom is to invite further headaches down the line.

Are You Affected by this Revision?

The BSI definition of "wet area" includes bathrooms, wet rooms, shower spaces, steam rooms, and any other location subject to regular water contact.

When they talk about "substrates", they're referring to plaster, plasterboard, and other moisture-sensitive backer boards. While these areas are invariably tiled, tiles alone aren't enough to stop the penetration of water. It doesn't help that adhesives and grouts are porous - they allow moisture to pass through.

Over time, the grout joints and adhesive bed surfaces can absorb so much water that the underlying substrate can get damaged. This can lead to damp and mould issues. They're unsightly, costly to fix, and they can even present a health-threat.

So obviously, this revision is a good thing. It will result in improved standards for customers and homeowners, and it could help to address many of the long-term negative effects of established installation practices. There'll be fewer call-outs for leaks, for example.

But still, this could make life a lot harder for plumbers and installers everywhere. There's also a huge cost-implication. This revision will call for more materials and labour for every project - and we've already touched upon the impact it'll have on installation time.

And if you don't follow these new standards? You'll be liable for any repairs required as a result of leaks or long-term water absorption. This won't stop at the tiled wet area, either. You'll be obliged to pay for damages to any adjoining rooms affected by the damp emanating from the shower.

A Simple and Immensely Cost-Effective Solution

We have some good news.

There's a way of avoiding these stringent BSI regulations that will also help reduce your materials costs while hugely cutting down on your installation times.

All you have to do is choose a Kinedo shower cubicle.

Our cubicles include integrated glass panels to form a leak-free showering interior. This means they're unaffected by the new regulations - you don't have to worry about tanking at all. Or grouting. Or silicone. This also means that there's no need to worry about mould forming down the line.

So there's no need to establish a tanking system, no need to tile, and no need to mess around with grout or silicone. This means that your installations can be completed in the space of a day. So you'll be able to complete multiple installations in a week - great news if you work on price.

Plumbers who work with Kinedo cubicles have always enjoyed huge savings and better returns on their installations. With the revised BSI regulations, working with Kinedo shower cubicles will help you to save even more time and money.

We're here to make your life as a plumber considerably easier. But our shower cubicles are so luxurious, you can be sure that your customers will be happy too.

Want to start enjoying the many benefits of working with Kinedo shower cubicles? Get in touch for a free quote.

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